Welcome to the IPAC Central East Ontario (CEO) Chapter!
A Little About Us...
IPAC CEO was originally known as Central Ontario Professionals of Infection Control or COPIC. We actually started out as an interest group in 1989 developing into a chapter in 1991. The chapter name changed to CHICA Central East Ontario officially at the 2010 national conference. Our name changed again in 2014 to IPAC Central East Ontario when CHICA Canada was re-branded to IPAC Canada.
Geographic Area Served
Our boundaries mimic the CEO Local Health Integration Network which encompasses the southern region of Ontario. It includes Northumberland and Pine Ridge Districts, east to Peterborough, west to Durham Region and north as far as the Haliburton Highlands and all areas within. We also welcome all members of IPAC Canada who are located outside of our geographic region that wish to designate their membership or additional membership to the IPAC CEO chapter. We meet four times a year in various locations throughout the region.
How Do I Become a Member?
Infection control practitioners are important members of the health care team. We do make a difference. We must be prepared to move with change, support each other, and get involved. Everyone with an interest in IPAC can be a part of our team. Check out the IPAC Canada website for details on registration: http://ipac-canada.org/about_join.php
How Do I Contact the IPAC Canada CEO Chapter Team?
If you have any questions or are looking for additional information related to the IPAC Canada CEO Chapter, please send a detailed email to ipac.ceo.chapterpresident@gmail.com .