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IPAC Canada

IPAC Central East Ontario (CEO) Meetings


A Little About Our Meetings...

The IPAC Canada CEO Chapter meets four times each year (at a minimum).  Meetings are offered in-person with a minimum of three per year offered with a teleconference or video-conference option as available and accessible by members.  Meeting locations may alternate as decided by membership.

If you have any questions for or are looking for information related to the IPAC Canada CEO Chapter, please send a detailed email to ipac.ceo.chapterpresident@gmail.com . 

Please note: all meetings are currently being held via teleconference and/or online methods due to COVID-19. 

Upcoming Chapter Meeting: 

The next IPAC CEO Chapter meeting will be on March 27, 2025.

To access previous meeting agendas and minutes, please see our "IPAC CEO Meeting Minutes and Agendas" page (accessible to members only).